Acorn Home Learning
Acorn Homework Tasks – Week beginning 8.6.20
All Creatures Great and Small - Birds
- Daily reading, share books from home.
- Phonics:
This week we will be learning the letter sound ‘ur’. Can you practice reading, writing and spelling the following words: fur urn burn burp curl hurt surf turn turnip curds
We will also be learning the keywords: got their people your
- Tasks to be completed in Acorn Homework Book:
- Literacy:
- How many bird names can you think of? Can you write a list?
- Read the book Owl Babies or listen online
- Can you write some sentences to describe how Sarah, Percy and Bill feel at the beginning and end of the story?
- We are learning capital letter names. Can you write the alphabet in capital letters?
- Mathematics:
- Go to to access some mathematical activities aimed at Reception. Click on the tab - Home Learning - Early Years - Summer Term – Week 7 (w/c 8 June).
- Can you keep a tally chart of how many birds visit an area of your garden over a period of time? 5, 10, 15 minutes.
- We will be looking at halves this week. Can you find half of different 2D shapes?
- Can you make a sandwich (or any food you like) and cut it in half?
- Topic: Birds
- Make a collage picture of the Owl Babies.
- Draw or paint different types of birds.
- Make a nest using natural resources. You could also make some eggs using playdough.