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Welcome to Christopher Reeves Church of England Primary School

What is it that makes Christopher Reeves Primary School so special?

Well, it may be that, as a small school, we know and love our children as if we were a family.

It may be that, as a Church of England school, that love and family is guided by a Christian ethos and Christian values.

Maybe it is the extraordinary and skilled staff team who all go above and beyond in the service of the children’s safety, well-being, learning and progress.

Or maybe it is the beautiful surroundings, and the opportunities for your child to learn in and from the natural environment.

We work in partnership with anyone who shares our passion for ensuring the very best for your child, finding what success means for them and how to unlock it, be that Ofsted, parents, the Church, professionals, subject experts, sports people, artists…   Please come and join us in this very special place.