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Teaching Staff Mrs Bush Executive Headteacher
  Mrs Aellen Oak Class Teacher
  Mrs Welch Oak Class Teacher
  Mrs Maguire Juniper Class Teacher/SENCO
  Mrs Wildman Juniper Class Teacher
  Mrs Clark Willow Class Teacher/Deputy Head
  Miss Fairey Acorn Class Teacher
Teaching Support Mrs Manko Higher Level Teaching Assistant
  Mrs Dennis Teaching Assistant
  Mrs Harris Teaching Assistant
  Miss Mummery Teaching Assistant
  Mrs Richards Teaching Assistant
  Mrs Stannard Teaching Assistant
  Mrs Worthington Teaching Assistant
Office Staff Mrs Mustoe Office Manager/Admissions Secretary
  Mrs Johnson Business Manager
Support Staff Mr Pittam Site Manager
Midday Supervisors Mrs Porter Lead MDSA
  Mrs Abbott MDSA
Music Teachers Mrs Choy Winters Piano
  Mrs Edwards Violin


Employee Salary Information (earning over £100k per annum)

Schools are required to publish salary information on any employee earning over £100,000 per annum.

All staff employed directly by the school are paid in accordance with the school Teachers Pay and Conditions Document (STPD) or National Joint Council (NJC) Terms and Conditions (support staff)

No employee earns over £100,000 per annum