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Juniper Class

Class teachers - Mrs Wildman and Mrs McGuire

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Richards

Welcome to Juniper Class!

Welcome back to a fantastic Autumn Term. This term our topic is Who were the real Flintstones? We will be focusing on how people lived in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. In Science, we will be looking at states of matter and rocks and fossils.

Forest school will be six sessions over this academic year so we can really focus on the seasons in addition to all the other exciting skills that the children learn in forest school. This term it will take place on Wednesday 25th September. Please can Juniper class, come to school in their forest school clothes and bring their CR uniform in a separate bag. Juniper class will also take part in a Multi-Sports Festival at Sharnbrook Academy on Wednesday 16th October 2024.

This term, PE lessons will take place on Tuesdays (Hockey) and Thursdays (Tag Rugby). Please make sure the children have outdoor and indoor PE kit and a change of footwear. All P.E kit is to stay in school and all items must be named. All long hair is to be tied back and if your child wears earrings, these will need to be taken out or covered with tape.

We would love it if you could listen to your child read at least 5 times a week and record it in their reading record book.  Spellings will be given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday.

We will be practising times tables every day but extra practice at home will really help your child to progress.  Children are expected to learn their times tables on TTR for 20 minutes per week as compulsory homework.

Creative curriculum homework is linked to our topic - please see the link below.

In the Spring and Summer Term, children will also be expected to complete Maths' homework which will focus on the written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This will be set on Thursdays and children to complete and be handed in the following Thursday and marked with the class.

Below you will see the Year 3 and 4 end of year expectations, creative curriculum homework, along with the lists of words children are expected to be able to read and spell by the end of the year.